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Curated Fitness Influencer

Add web links to elink and transform it into beautiful content.

People love seeing motivational content! It keeps them on the grind and inspires them for constant self-improvement. This is one of the primary reasons why you see a plethora of fitness models, trainers, and brands leveraging Instagram and gaining massive audiences.

However, Instagram allows people to have only ONE link in their bio. This creates a hassle for anyone who wants to send their followers to their website, a landing page, blog, webinar, podcast or anywhere else. Nobody likes the process of changing their bio link every single time they have a new post.

elink is the perfect tool to have multiple links in your bio instead of just one. allows anyone to add multiple web links of any content (articles, blog posts, videos, audio, affiliate products, etc.) on the web, and create a collection of beautiful links that you can share on your Instagram bio.

It turns those links into a responsive landing page for all of your content. You can further add links to your elink landing page without changing the elink in your bio using elink's handy Chrome Extension!

Curated Fitness Influencer
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Turn Your Content into an Email Newsletter

Leverage the power of email marketing and share your curated fitness page with potential clients as a beautiful email newsletter!

You can Embed Your Content on any Website or Blog

Keep your website fresh with new content by embedding your Curated Fitness page on your website. In this example, we have embedded this collection in a container. But you can also add the embed code to a column or full page width to create different experiences on your website or blog. Click around and play with the embedded content below👇 | See Original

Share Your Collection as a Single Web Page

Wow your social media fans and attract potential partnerships by sharing your portfolio page on social media or anywhere you are allowed to share a link!
View Web Page Example
Ready to do more with your links?